
Generate email using mail merge in word for mac
Generate email using mail merge in word for mac

You may also opt to use a ready-to-use mail merge template by selecting ‘Start from a template’.Ĭhoose ‘Start from existing document’ to use an existing mail merge document and make changes to the content or recipients. If the document you are working on is the one that you want to use, select ‘Use the current document’. Now you have to choose the main document you want to use. We shall choose ‘Letters’ and click on ‘Starting Document’ at the bottom of the pane. To create a single document containing a catalogue or printed list of addresses, choose ‘Directory’. Choose ‘Labels’ to print address labels for a group of people. If you wish to send personalized letters to a group of people, choose ‘Letters’.Ĭhoose ‘Envelopes’ if you wish to print addressed envelopes for group mailing. Options include Letters, Envelopes, Labels and Directory. Select the Document TypeĬhoose the type of document you wish to create.

generate email using mail merge in word for mac

In Office 2007, Go to Mailings Tab and click Start Mail Merge. The ‘Mail Merge Wizard’ will open in the task pane on the right. On the ‘Tools’ menu, point to ‘Letters and Mailings’, and click on ‘Mail Merge’. A good example of this is, where one document contains a list of addresses whereas, another contains a letter, the third contains your company logo and the three documents are merged onto a unique document that will contain the addresses and the letter such that the letter is individually mailed to each address in the list. In Mail Merge, you can combine the set of documents that are the same, but each document contains its own unique elements. You can also use it for a set of form letters, faxes or e-mail messages can be created whose basic content is the same but each one of them contains information specific to the individual recipient, such as the name, address, etc.

#Generate email using mail merge in word for mac how to

Check out how to print address in envelopes using MS-Word. This includes to make a set of envelopes or labels where the return address is the same but the destination addresses are unique on each one. Mass Mailing refers to mailing more than one person with different options using Mail Merge. This is a tutorial which explains how to use mail merge effectively and simplify your work. Mail merge is one good feature of Microsoft Word which helps you in mass mailing tasks.

Generate email using mail merge in word for mac